Monday, December 1, 2008

Sexual heart Problem with Diabetes

I am 63 years male diabetic patient since 10 years. My blood-sugar level is under control due to insulin and other drugs but I have lost vitality and vigor since many years.Along with diabetes, I am having heart-problem too.I was operated for ASD in the year 1967 and was healthy since then.My weight is 54Kgs. and height is 5'4".One of the Ayurvedic medicines shopkeeper gave me (1) Sheelajit by Dabur (2)Suvarna Makardhawaj Vati (shree Naranarayan Ayurvedic Pharmacy)and (3)Yakuti Ras ( Baidyanath) and ask me to take two piles of Sheelajit and one-one of other two daily with warm milk.I want your help. Above medicines are right for my sexual-heart problem? I have totally lost erection and ejaculation since long.Please help.

Mr. Rameshbhai
Right now Your Past history about ASD and also Diabetes absolute effects your vitality and vigor. And therefore you must loss your erection and also your age effects it too. Now I want to tell you that Sheelajit is suitable for you. but Suvarna makardhvaj is not preferable when you have heart trouble in past. You must have to taken up only herbal medicines, which have not any metal parts. like mercury, copper, iron etc..
All metal containing medicines are better for health if those purification done properly. In these commercial atmosphere no one Vaidya prefer it if he has no trust on Pharmaceutical companies. If Vaidya makes himself, it is preferable.
You can takes such medicines;
1. AAkarkarbhadi gutika 2 tabs twice a day with milk
2. Kam sanjivani gutika 1 tabs twice a day
3. Apply Shreegopal oil on your penis twice a day and don't wash it,even if you can go for intercourse also.
Check your Blood pressure and diabetes regularly.

Have any query You can contact me also via mail.

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